Cingulate Gyrus: Abbreviations
AC | ac | anterior commissure |
ACC | anterior cingulate cortex | |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropin hormone | |
AD | anterodorsal thalamic nucleus | |
AM | anteromedial thalamic nucleus | |
AS | arcuate sulcus | |
AV | anteroventral thalamic nucleus | |
CalS | calcarine sulcus | |
CaS | cas | cas callosal sulcus |
CC | cc | corpus callosum |
CCs | scc | splenium of the corpus callosum |
Cdc | central densocellular thalamic nucleus | |
Ce | Central nucleus of thalamus | |
CeM | centrum medianum thalamic nucleus (also CnMd) | |
CG | cingulate gyrus | |
CGv | vCG | ventral bank of the cingulate gyrus |
Cif | central inferior thalamic nucleus | |
Cl | central lateral thalamic nucleus | |
Clc | central latocellular thalamic nucleus | |
CML | caudomedial lobule | |
CMSR | caudomedial subregion | |
CnMD | centrum medianum thalamic nucleus (also CeM) | |
CNS | central nervous system | |
CRH | corticotropin releasing hormone | |
Cs | central superior thalamic nucleus | |
CS | cgs | cingulate sulcus |
Csl | central superior lateral thalamic nucleus | |
CTPCS | ctpcs | common truck of the parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci |
dMCC | dorsal midcingulate cortex | |
fMRI | functional MRI | |
Hb | habenula | |
HIT / HIPT / THI | habenulointerpreduncular tract, tractus habenuloointerpeduncularis | |
HRP | horseradish peroxidase | |
IG | IGr | indusium griseum |
IML | internal medullary lamina | |
IPS | intraparietal sulcus | |
IRS | irs | inferior rostral sulcus |
LD | laterodorsal thalamic nucleus | |
LF | lateral fissure | |
LG | lateral geniculate thalamic nucleus | |
Li | limitans thalamic nucleus | |
LM | lateral magnocellular thalamic nucleus (rabbit) | |
LP | lateral posterior thalamic nucleus | |
MCC | midcingulate cortex | |
MD | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus | |
Mdm | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, magnocellular division | |
MDp, MDpc | mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, parvicellular division | |
MITN | midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei | |
MR | mr | marginal ramus of the cingulate sulcus |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | |
msec | millisecond | |
MTT | mamillothalamic tract | |
NeuN | antibody to neuron-specific nuclear binding proteins | |
NFP | neurofilament proteins | |
NFP-ir | immunoreactive-nonphosphorylated neurofilament proteins | |
NTS | nucleus of the solitary tract | |
OTS | occipitotemporal sulcus | |
PAG | periaqueductal gray | |
PaO | pols | parolfactory sulcus |
pACC | perigenual anterior cingulate cortex | |
Pc | paracentral thalamic nucleus | |
PCC | posterior cingulate cortex | |
PCS | pcgs | paracingulate sulcus |
PET | positron emission tomography | |
Pf | parafascicular thalamic nucleus | |
PHG | parahippocampal gyrus | |
PHGt | transitional parahippocampal gyrus | |
Po | posterior thalamic nucleus | |
POS | pos | parieto-occipital sulcus |
PTSD | posttraumatic stress disorder | |
Pro | area properistriata | |
PrT | pretectum; anterior pretectal nucleus | |
PS | parasubiculum | |
PSD | postsplenial dimple | |
Pt | parataenial thalamic nucleus | |
Pv | paraventricular thalamic nucleus | |
rCBF | regional cerebral blood flow | |
Re | reunions thalamic nucleus | |
Rh | rhomboid thalamic nucleus | |
RhS | rhs | rhinal sulcus |
RS | rs | rostral sulcus |
RSC | retrosplenial cortex | |
SCG | sCG | superior cingulate gyrus |
sec | second | |
SEM | standard error of the mean | |
SGSR | subgenual subregion | |
Sm | submedial thalamic nucleus | |
SMI32 | antibody for nonphosphorylated neurofilament proteins | |
SPECT | single photon emission computed tomography | |
SpS | spls | splenial sulcus(i) |
SRS | srs | superior rostral sulcus |
STS | superior temporal sulcus | |
STT | spinothalamic tract | |
Sub | subiculum | |
SUDS | Subjective Units of Distress Scale | |
TCES | transcutaneous electrical stimulation | |
THI / HIT / HIPT | tractus habenulointerpeduncularis; habenulointerpreduncular tract | |
µl | microliter | |
µm | micrometer | |
VA | ventral anterior thalamic nucleus | |
VB | ventrobasal thalamic nucleus | |
vCG | ventral bank of the cingulate gyrus | |
VLO | ventral orbitoofrontal cortex | |
VM | ventromedial thalamic nucleus | |
VMpo | posterior division of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus | |
VPL | ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus | |
VPM | ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus |