Male Contraceptive Initiative seeks to be your one-stop source for all information related to male contraception.
Male contraception is an integral, if largely missing, component of the family planning toolkit necessary to empower people and couples with reproductive autonomy. In this page, we feature links to various resources that help make male contraception and the entire family planning ecosystem more accessible.
Male Reproduction & Contraception
Male Reproduction & Contraception
You don’t need to be a reproductive biologist to understand how new methods of male contraception could work, but a basic understanding of the male reproductive system will help. With that in mind, we created this series of articles to make some important topics and themes related to male reproductive biology and contraception more accessible: |
(Image source: Public Domain)
External Resources
Clinical Trials
Interested in clinical trials for male contraception? Please visit our web page dedicated to share information about planned and on-going clinical trials! Hormonal Male Contraception
Hormonal contraception for men is being tested in clinical trials at sites around the globe. For more information, please see the Center for Male Contraceptive Research and Development. Additionally, these publications provide details about the state of hormonal male birth control research and development: "Male Hormonal Contraception: Where are We Now?" by Christina Wang, Mario P.R. Festin, and Ronald S. Swerdloff "Male Hormonal Contraception" by Arthi Thirumalai, Stephanie T Page |
Calliope: A Contraceptive Pipeline Database
Put together by FHI360, Calliope maintains current information on both male and female contraceptives in development. MPT Product Development Database
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPTs) are an innovative class of products that deliver varied combinations of HIV prevention, other STI prevention, and contraception and will improve the lives of women, couples, and families worldwide. This database includes MPT products that are currently in active development. Cryopreservation
Men are currently limited to condoms and vasectomies. These methods can be combined with cryopreservation for long-term preservation of sperm and future fertility. More information can be found here. |
Literature Reviews
A literature review is an overview of the previously published works on a specific topic. For an under-studied area of scientific enquiry like male contraception, they are extremely useful in gaining a deeper understanding in the research that has been done and what can be extrapolated from it. In this section, we share some existing literature reviews that will help readers develop a deeper understanding of the field of male birth control research and development.
"Male Contraception: where are we going and where have we been?" by John Joseph Reynolds-Wright & Richard Anderson
"The future of male contraception: a fertile ground" by Iyad Khourdaji, Jacqueline Zillioux, Kevin Eisenfrats, Daniel Foley, and Ryan Smith
"New Approaches to Male Non-Hormonal Contraception" by Jean-Jacques Nya-Ngatchou and John K. Amory
"Contraception Technology: Past, Present, and Future" by Regine Sitruk-Ware, Anita Nath, and Daniel R. Mishell Jr
"The future of male contraception: a fertile ground" by Iyad Khourdaji, Jacqueline Zillioux, Kevin Eisenfrats, Daniel Foley, and Ryan Smith
"New Approaches to Male Non-Hormonal Contraception" by Jean-Jacques Nya-Ngatchou and John K. Amory
"Contraception Technology: Past, Present, and Future" by Regine Sitruk-Ware, Anita Nath, and Daniel R. Mishell Jr