Michael O’Rand, PhD, President and Chief Scientific Officer
$800,000 - Awarded January 2023 $300,000 / 2 years - Awarded 2021 $300,000 / 2 years - Awarded 2020 $300,000 / 2 years - Awarded 2019 |
Eppin PharmaDurham, NC
Eppin Pharma is currently located in NC BioLabs, 701 West Main Street, Suite 200, Durham, NC 27701. Michael O’Rand, PhD, is an emeritus professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine. Dr. O’Rand is a reproductive biologist and has more than 40 years of experience in studying mechanisms underlying fertilization. Dr. O’Rand established the in vitro fertilization laboratory in UNC School of Medicine’s North Carolina Memorial Hospital and the first “test tube” baby in North Carolina. He has 5 issued or pending patents and more than 90 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. O’Rand has an AB from the University of California at Berkeley, an MS from Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon and a PhD in Biology from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. Our Grant
MCI’s grants and investments with Eppin support Eppin Pharma reaching its goal of submitting an IND application to the FDA and entering first-in-man studies of their male contraceptive candidate, EP055. The approval of an IND will lead directly to a phase I clinical trial in the NIH contraceptive clinical trial network. Our support with Eppin covers the methodology used to quantitate EP055 in biological samples, in vitro safety screenings, and a GLP-compliant repeat-dose IV toxicity study, all with the idea that returns from MCI’s program-related investment feed back into the contraceptive development community. Press Releases
Male Contraceptive Initiative Invests in Eppin Pharma to Support Clinical Trials for a Non-Hormonal Male Contraceptive January 19, 2023 Researcher Receives Second $300,000 Grant for Male Contraception November 30, 2020 Eppin Pharma Receives $300,000 Grant for Male Contraception December 9th, 2019 |
MCI Grantee: Eppin Pharma
Durham company trying to develop birth control pill for men
Michael G. O’Rand, Katherine G. Hamil, Tiffany Adevai, Mary Zelinski PLOS One April 19 2018. Inhibition of sperm motility in male macaques with EP055, a potential non-hormonal male contraceptive. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195953
O’Rand MG, Silva EJR, Hamil KG. Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Jan; 157:105–11 Non-hormonal male contraception: A review and development of an Eppin based contraceptive. PMID: 26593445 DOI: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2015.11.004
Gomes AAS, Santos NCM, Rosa LR, Borges RJ, Fontes MRM, Hamil KG, O'Rand MG, Silva EJR. Interactions of the male contraceptive target EPPIN with semenogelin-1 and small organic ligands. Sci Rep. 2023 Sep 1;13(1):14382. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-41365-1. PMID: 37658081; PMCID: PMC10474283.
Silva EJ, Hamil KG, O'Rand MG. Interacting proteins on human spermatozoa: adaptive evolution of the binding of semenogelin I to EPPIN. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 2;8(12):e82014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082014. PMID: 24312623; PMCID: PMC3846889.
Silva EJ, Patrão MT, Tsuruta JK, O'Rand MG, Avellar MC. Epididymal protease inhibitor (EPPIN) is differentially expressed in the male rat reproductive tract and immunolocalized in maturing spermatozoa. Mol Reprod Dev. 2012 Dec;79(12):832-42. doi: 10.1002/mrd.22119. Epub 2012 Nov 7. PMID: 23070980.
Michael G. O’Rand, Katherine G. Hamil, Tiffany Adevai, Mary Zelinski PLOS One April 19 2018. Inhibition of sperm motility in male macaques with EP055, a potential non-hormonal male contraceptive. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195953
O’Rand MG, Silva EJR, Hamil KG. Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Jan; 157:105–11 Non-hormonal male contraception: A review and development of an Eppin based contraceptive. PMID: 26593445 DOI: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2015.11.004
Gomes AAS, Santos NCM, Rosa LR, Borges RJ, Fontes MRM, Hamil KG, O'Rand MG, Silva EJR. Interactions of the male contraceptive target EPPIN with semenogelin-1 and small organic ligands. Sci Rep. 2023 Sep 1;13(1):14382. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-41365-1. PMID: 37658081; PMCID: PMC10474283.
Silva EJ, Hamil KG, O'Rand MG. Interacting proteins on human spermatozoa: adaptive evolution of the binding of semenogelin I to EPPIN. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 2;8(12):e82014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082014. PMID: 24312623; PMCID: PMC3846889.
Silva EJ, Patrão MT, Tsuruta JK, O'Rand MG, Avellar MC. Epididymal protease inhibitor (EPPIN) is differentially expressed in the male rat reproductive tract and immunolocalized in maturing spermatozoa. Mol Reprod Dev. 2012 Dec;79(12):832-42. doi: 10.1002/mrd.22119. Epub 2012 Nov 7. PMID: 23070980.
Eppin Pharma In the News
- "Durham company trying to develop birth control pill for men" from WRAL News
- "New approaches to male contraception" in The Pharmaceutical Journal
- "Male Contraceptive Compound Stops Sperm Without Affecting Hormones" from UNC Health and UNC School of Medicine Newsroom
Meet MCI's Grantees & Fellows!
Our grantees and fellows represent some of the finest minds in the male contraception research community from around the world.
At Male Contraceptive Initiative, we prioritize funding research that aligns with our mission of driving male contraception closer to clinical trials. We strategically allocate our resources to support a diverse range of projects, focusing on non-hormonal and reversible methods that have the potential to meet the needs of a broader population. Our goal is to catalyze progress in this field and bring innovative male birth control options to market.
Discover the innovative research being conducted by our grantees and fellows by clicking on the buttons below:
At Male Contraceptive Initiative, we prioritize funding research that aligns with our mission of driving male contraception closer to clinical trials. We strategically allocate our resources to support a diverse range of projects, focusing on non-hormonal and reversible methods that have the potential to meet the needs of a broader population. Our goal is to catalyze progress in this field and bring innovative male birth control options to market.
Discover the innovative research being conducted by our grantees and fellows by clicking on the buttons below: