Male Contraceptive Initiative's participation at events and conferences.
Advocating for new methods of non-hormonal, reversible male contraception is a critical part of Male Contraceptive Initiative's strategy. It is vitally important that we ensure that existing market demand for novel male contraceptives is understood, and that we sensitize the general public about the methods to come as part of the next generation of contraception. As such, we participate in events and conferences whenever possible to facilitate conversations about male contraception and their importance.
SXSW 2023 - "Reproductive Autonomy: It's a We-sponsibility"
Scientific Advances in Male Contraception - 4th Annual Symposium - World Vasectomy Day
Male Contraceptive Initiative at American Society of Andrology's 46th Annual Meeting (2021)
Conferences & Events: Heather's "Team Science" Poster Presentation at SSR's 2020 Virtual Convening
Male Contraceptive Initiative's Ideation Event: Participant Reflections
Male Contraceptive Initiative at UnBox 2019: "Design for Intersectionality" Panel Discussion
Male Contraceptive Initiative at the International Conference on Family Planning (2018)