Here at Foundation for the Poor, Inc. (FFP), every Tuesday is a “Giving Tuesday. ” This is a day FFP prepares at least 33 packed meals to donate to “Caring for Friends” that will be distributed to US families who are hard-up and don't know where to get their next meal. We welcome those who would like to participate by preparing extra meals. Please text us at +1 215 6870509 so we can provide you with the packing materials.
Our last preparation for the year will be December 3 on"Giving Tuesday". We will resume in April, 2025.
A Special 'Thank You' to Stephon and Denise for their generosity. They donate their left-over pretzels from Philly Pretzels every Thursday to be brought to FISHERMAN’S MARK Social Services in Lambertville, NJ, food pantry.
Our vision is to have a bigger kitchen and to cook more of the meals. Meanwhile, anyone can help by sharing their financial blessings to buy the ingredients.
Please visit www.foundationforthepoorinc.org Click Donate and Choose General. Any amount is appreciated.
#givingtuesday #nonprofit #donate #givingtuesdaynow #giveback #charity #givingback #community #fundraising #giving #spreadkindness #makeadifference #generositymatters #togetherwecan
Our last preparation for the year will be December 3 on"Giving Tuesday". We will resume in April, 2025.
A Special 'Thank You' to Stephon and Denise for their generosity. They donate their left-over pretzels from Philly Pretzels every Thursday to be brought to FISHERMAN’S MARK Social Services in Lambertville, NJ, food pantry.
Our vision is to have a bigger kitchen and to cook more of the meals. Meanwhile, anyone can help by sharing their financial blessings to buy the ingredients.
Please visit www.foundationforthepoorinc.org Click Donate and Choose General. Any amount is appreciated.
#givingtuesday #nonprofit #donate #givingtuesdaynow #giveback #charity #givingback #community #fundraising #giving #spreadkindness #makeadifference #generositymatters #togetherwecan