Uniting for Ukraine was a government program that created a safe, and legal passage for Ukrainians to find peace, and safety for their families until it's safe to return home. Originally the Temporary Parole Status they were given was for two years. When that parole ran up President Biden gave them the chance to apply again for and eighteen-month extension until a peace treaty is issued. Then when President Trump began in office, he froze all Ukrainian Aid and suspended the Uniting for Ukraine Program. Now Ukrainian Refugees are getting notices that their extensions have been revoked, and they must leave on their originally expiration date. Therefore, some are here past their dates already... leaving them now titled "illegal immigrants". With nowhere to go, they remain helpless. They are now facing deportation. Please help us show this administration that we stand with Ukrainians here and around the world. Help us save the Uniting for Ukraine program and stop the deportations now. When we go to the Ukraine Action Summit in April, we will take this petition with us and show them we support Ukraine, now and forever. Thank you for the support. Slava Ukraini.