We Help Ukrainians in Many Ways
We send supplies to orphaned children in Kharkiv and Kyiv and small care packages to families in need across Ukraine.
We also help others by connecting Ukrainians with Americans who are able to sponsor them into the United States through the Uniting for Ukraine program.
If a family reaches out to us in need, we find a way to help them. Whether it’s making a video to raise awareness, starting a GoFundMe, or gathering supplies and sending it to Ukraine. Whatever needs done, we do it.
Please take a moment to look at some of the wonderful work we have done by the grace of God.
We send supplies to orphaned children in Kharkiv and Kyiv and small care packages to families in need across Ukraine.
We also help others by connecting Ukrainians with Americans who are able to sponsor them into the United States through the Uniting for Ukraine program.
If a family reaches out to us in need, we find a way to help them. Whether it’s making a video to raise awareness, starting a GoFundMe, or gathering supplies and sending it to Ukraine. Whatever needs done, we do it.
Please take a moment to look at some of the wonderful work we have done by the grace of God.
Support Comes in Many Ways
The Children of Ukraine
Sponsoring ; U4UThe Bobrovs have been sponsored! They reached out to us for help, and we were able to sponsor them. We welcomed them to our city in September 2024. They are doing wonderful!
Sponsoring is so rewarding. To be a part of someone else's life journey, and to know you made that journey better, is an amazing feeling. The experiences we have in this life come and go, and what we do with the time were given is important. We have seen firsthand how much we can do when we come together. We love to share with other Americans the joys of sponsoring Ukrainians. So please... if it's something you have been considering and have questions, reach out! |
Оксана ЛитвинTo Pamela Hines
I want to express my gratitude! Next week, with the help of God and those kind people, my son and I will fly to the USA. The good people are, first of all, Pamela and Chanda and their families. My son and I are Ukrainians! Everyone knows why people had to leave their homes and families. It is all because of the war. Ever since the trouble came... My child and I live every day in uncertainty. Where to live, how to live, what will happen today, and what awaits us tomorrow? At the same time, we worry about those who stayed in our country. Of our family, only we left. My child’s father is in the army; my parents are already old. My son (6 years old) needs special treatment; my son has autism. The moment I gave up, Pamela wrote to me! She answered my question I had asked in the group. I was looking for ways to help my child. She was very supportive and unexpectedly for me... She found us a wonderful family. A family that became our sponsor. I got two sisters at the same time.) Pamela and Chanda. They are the ones for whom I am grateful for the support. They don’t leave us alone with our problems. They give us hope that things will be better and safer. These people believe in us, our country, our people, and the speedy victory! Peaceful sky to all! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! |
Cameron CharlesI wish to shout out for one of the organizers of this group, Pamela Hines. She has been such an amazing supporter of this sponsorship matching effort and deserves all the accolades!
I wish to add about my experience: The process to create the 1-134 was simple. Of course the documents that support the financial status were needed, but once assembled, the online process was extremely simple. I want to make sure that the fear of filing the 1-134 isn't what keeps someone from sponsoring someone from war-torn Ukraine. Once I hit the submit button, in 36 hours I was approved, and then the beneficiary received their notice to start their verification, which was very simple. Their component went quickly. They submitted their portion. The total time from my submission to travel authorizations for a family of four: 50 hours. Bam! Please be a participant in this great, worthy effort! Don't let the fear of the unknown stop you in your tracks! The fear of being a sponsor pales in comparison to what a Ukrainian fears on an hourly basis! Take the leap of faith! |
Ирина ПаламарDear friends,
My name is Iryna; I'm from Ukraine. I want to share with you my impressions and express gratitude to those not indifferent people who helped us. Currently, I'm in the USA with my children. We have come a long way to get into the country and reunite our family. When the war started in our country (Ukraine), I had to leave my house, job, and everything and move to Poland with my children. We were in Poland for 3 months. When the USA Government accepted the U4U program, I was looking for someone to help me with the children to go to the USA, where was my husband; he moved there before the war. I applied to all possible groups in social networks to find a sponsor. We were heard by the kind person Pamela Hines, who is the president of Gold & Blue United goldandblueunited.com; she helped us reunite the family. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for her assistance. I sincerely wish the realization of all her good intentions, good health, prosperity, and happiness to her, her loved ones, and her relatives. |
Emily LeonardOur Ukrainian family arrived last night! 2.5 hours in customs, but they are here! Thank you, Pamela, for all that you do.