Spay and Neuter Services
We offer financial assistance to low-income families for spaying or neutering their pets, provided they meet certain criteria. Eligibility requires demonstrating financial need, such as receiving public assistance or having a low household income. Applicants must also reside within our Bosque County. Additionally, thanks to the dedication of a retired veterinarian volunteer, we are excited to announce that we will soon be able to schedule approximately 20 spay and neuter surgeries per month for stray cats and dogs.
Transport to Rescue Partners
Pet overpopulation is often due to an uneven distribution of animals across different regions, with some areas having too many and others having too few. Thanks to effectively spay/neuter programs and regulations, certain parts of the US face a shortage of adoptable pets. To tackle this issue, our program transports dogs and cats from Bosque County to locations where they are more likely to be quickly adopted. We partner with a network of rescues that ensure animals receive necessary medical care and spay/neuter procedures before adoption. Additionally, all animals are vaccinated according to the animal law requirements of the receiving state prior to transport.
For more information, please contact us at 254-978-1779