International Agriculture
Seven Harvest, Inc., has been privileged to work internationally in Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa, Tigray, Ethiopia, Port Au Prince Haiti and Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Our work includes developing concept papers for farms and food hubs, conducting food safety management assessments, constructing hoop houses, and evaluating soil enrichment training.
- Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa: Established MOU and concept paper on farm & food hubs, Agribusiness Development Agency, 2013.
- Tigray, Ethiopia: Conducted GAP food safety management assessment at ShumGirma dryland Vegetable Farm, 2014.
- Port Au Prince Haiti: Constructed hoop house with SAKALA Civil society group focused on youth leadership, sports, & food security, U.S. Embassy, 2014.
- Port Harcourt, Nigeria: Trained Farm Cooperative members in hoop house management, composting and production vegetable transplants (UAPB) 2016.
- U.S.: Evaluated Cochran Fellowship Soil Enrichment Training with Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan professionals (UAPB) 2017.
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