The Sacramento Blues Society
Dear Readers/ Sacramento Blues Society Members,
We are reaching out to inform you about an important update regarding your membership renewals, donations and sponsorship renewals. Unfortunately, our website provider, Flipcause, is having problems with remitting
to us monies collected through our website. As we continue to address ongoing issues with our online renewal system through them, PLEASE DO NOT RENEW your membership, sponsorship or make donations here on our website at this time. We understand this may be an inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience as we work through these challenges.
In the meantime, please renew your membership, sponsorships or make donations “the old-fashioned way” by mailing your payment to:
Sacramento Blues Society
P.O. Box 60580
Sacramento, CA 95860
You can still download the membership application from our website, just print it out and mail it with your check. We are also working to set up a way to pay via Paypal, and will let you know when that is ready to go
live. We will keep you updated on our progress and notify you when the online renewal option is back up and running. Your support is vital to us, and we thank you for your understanding during this time.
Marcel Smith
President, Sacramento Blues Society
"Dedicated to Preserving and Promoting Blues Music as an art form."
Founded in 1979, our mission is to promote and preserve blues music as the original American art form.
We are the third oldest blues society in the United States and are celebrating our 45th year throughout 2024!
The Sacramento Blues Society understands that the arts have always been outlets to express the plight of the oppressed, and to sound the call for change. We believe that the African-American experience is the very foundation of the Blues, a uniquely American art form, and one which we celebrate and love. Music, especially the Blues, can break down racial barriers and open dialogue about cultural diversity.
We are witnessing, and are part of, a movement for social justice now. We pledge, as individuals and as a group, to work for peaceful, positive change within the community and to influence those with whom we interact to do the same. We welcome everyone to enjoy the Blues with the spirit of unity, companionship and goodwill. We are all in this together
We love to connect with all aspects of the community through BLUES – involving artists, labels, radio, students, schools, venues, promoters and FANS. Membership fees, sponsorships and grants fund the bulk of our events and educational programs. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and a proud affiliate member of The Blues Foundation.
Click here for more about us and our programs.
"People have been brainwashed into believing that it's got to be down or it wouldn't be blues. But it's not so. It's got to be a fact or it wouldn't be blues."
- Willie Dixon, Poet Laureate of the Blues
"People have been brainwashed into believing that it's got to be down or it wouldn't be blues. But it's not so. It's got to be a fact or it wouldn't be blues."
- Willie Dixon, Poet Laureate of the Blues