Make an impact into the future. It's possible to bestow money or other assets in your will to nonprofit organizations - it’s an easy way to support Next Stage Arts that doesn’t cost anything upfront. This option allows people to make a much larger gift through their will than they could through their income.
Estates subject to an estate tax would be deductible and could result in substantial tax savings for heirs. Nothing is set in stone; if plans change, you can update the terms of your gift any time. If you’re considering naming us in your will, here is some sample language you can use, whether you are having an attorney draft your will, or using an online service. When leaving a specific gift amount: I give, devise, and bequeath to Next Stage Arts Project, Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization with offices in Putney, Vermont, the sum of $____________ (or describe any real or personal property), to be used for its general purposes. When leaving all or a part of the balance of your estate after debts and expenses: I give, devise, and bequeath to Next Stage Arts Project, Inc., a nonprofit charitable organization with offices in Putney, Vermont, all (or ____%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general purposes. We encourage you to share your plans with us. This helps us to plan for the organization’s future and answer any questions you may have. If your gift involves real estate, it is very important for you to meet with our staff before finalizing your plans. This will help ensure that we are able to accept the gift. Please contact Sharon Fantl, our Director of Development, at [email protected], as you begin planning your legacy gift in support of the performing arts. |