Our greater purpose is to make a difference in the life of a Mexican child. We understand that children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring are a reward from him, and one of our most valuable blessings! And because children are important to God, children are important to us.
Many children in Central Mexico are in peril in rural-ethnic, rural-urban and marginal areas. Even though Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America and is a major oil exporter, 46% of people live in poverty in Mexico and prosperity remains a distant dream for many Mexican children.
The situation is especially troubling when considering the unequal access to health care and prevention for children of the poor and uninsured. One in four Mexicans lack any access to health care which adversely impacts children ages 1-21 who in many cases don’t have any access to health care.
According to the Mexican Health Foundation (Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, FUNSALUD) and the Mexican Ministry of Health, every year between 2 million and 4 million Mexican households—most of them poor and uninsured—suffer from catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures leading to non-treatment of childhood illness.
You can get involved by Supporting our Campaigns or Serving with Us or just by donating. There are seven (7) ways for you to get involved.
Many children in Central Mexico are in peril in rural-ethnic, rural-urban and marginal areas. Even though Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America and is a major oil exporter, 46% of people live in poverty in Mexico and prosperity remains a distant dream for many Mexican children.
The situation is especially troubling when considering the unequal access to health care and prevention for children of the poor and uninsured. One in four Mexicans lack any access to health care which adversely impacts children ages 1-21 who in many cases don’t have any access to health care.
According to the Mexican Health Foundation (Fundación Mexicana para la Salud, FUNSALUD) and the Mexican Ministry of Health, every year between 2 million and 4 million Mexican households—most of them poor and uninsured—suffer from catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures leading to non-treatment of childhood illness.
You can get involved by Supporting our Campaigns or Serving with Us or just by donating. There are seven (7) ways for you to get involved.