Current threats of our waterways that we are addressing in southwestern Pennsylvania
Industrial PollutionOver the modern history of our region, mass industrialization polluted our waterways, and our rivers became devoid of aquatic life. Fortunately, with the implementation of the 1972 Clean Water Act and subsequent clean water laws at the local, state, and federal levels, community organizations have been able to hold polluters accountable.
Because of the Clean Water Act, industries are required to have discharge limits to protect out waterways. Nevertheless, industrial pollution still occurs today with over 1/3 of PA waterways considered impaired by PA DEP.
Transportation of dangerous materialsOil trains, crumbling infrastructure, and inadequate federal oversight of rail bridges threaten the safety of millions of Americans. Three Rivers Waterkeeper advocates for increased safety, better practices to prevent environmental contamination for accidents as well as proper cleanups when disaster happens.
Our waterways, and the environment.
CLIMATE CHANGE & FLOODINGDue to the topography of our region, flooding is common for many communities and is only expected to increase over time as climate change is expected to lead to more frequent and severe rainfall which can lead to increased sewage overflow events into waterways.
habitat degredationThree Rivers Waterkeeper monitors industrial build out, landscape changes, and invasive species in our region.
novel pollutant sourcesIndustries evolve and grow, and we must understand that novel pollutants can impact our water quality. In our region, there are two major novel pollutants that we are actively monitoring: plastic pellets and PFAS contamination.
lack of enforcement of our clean water lawsAs your Waterkeeper based in Pittsburgh, we hold polluters accountable and ensure that our local, state and federal governments enforce the clean water laws which protect the public and environmental health.
Combining scientific rigor with legal expertise, we serve as an enforcer of the nation’s clean water laws where state and federal agencies have failed. Read about our current ligation efforts to enforce our clean water laws here. |
in 2021, Three Rivers Waterkeeper and the Pittsburgh Water Collaboratory partnered to collect 100 samples from 25 tributary locations thanks to funding from the University of Pittsburgh’s Year of Engagement Program in order to DUE improve the understanding of ON WATER QUALITY in our region AND THE UNKNOWN EFFECTS OF INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION. This data helps set a baseline to document when pollution occurs.
see pollution? Report Pollution
Resources List
- Call 911, If it is an emergency (i.e. a major spill, humans or wildlife are being harmed)
- Southwest DEP pollution hotline 412-442-4000
- Submit an environmental complaint to the PA DEP here.
- PA Fish and Boat commission 855-347-4545
- EPA Region 3 1-800-424-8802