Our Services
SKI’s full range of services assist families of children, youth, and young adults from birth to 26. Our services are without regard to race, disability, religion language, sexual orientation or economic status. |
Quienes Servimos
SKI’S gama complete de ayudan familias de niños, juventud y joven adultos de nacimiento de 26. Nuestros servicios son sin tener en cuenta de raza discapacidad, leyenda Idioma, sexual orientación o económico estado. |
Our Services
One-on-One Consultations
One on One Consultations with parents over the phone and in person with questions about their child’s specific needs. We, as team members, assist parents in working with professionals to plan appropriate services for their children. (ARD/IEP support, referrals, etc.) Assistance with obtaining and evaluating services that meets the basic as well as educational needs of the child. |
Workshops for Parents
SKI endeavors to assist and empower parents to advocate for the development Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) meeting strategies, effectively communicate with teachers, administrators, and service providers, and navigate school systems. We also provide training for educators and surrogate parents to help them better assess the needs of their child/children, set attainable goals, and assistance in realizing the capabilities which cultivates an atmosphere where all children are equipped with skills to reach the maximum potential. |
For help with your ARD/IEP meetings, contact us at least one week prior to meeting with the school. Bring all documents related to your child’s disability and education. One of our specially trained staff members will assist you in understanding what the documents mean and suggest courses of action appropriate for your child’s needs.
Support Groups for Parents and Caregivers
SKI Meetings: Outside support is important and SKI truly understands the supports needed to help parents and caregivers feel less isolated, empowered with knowledge, and validation of emotions that is a response to real life situation. Support group meetings are a place for parents and caregivers to give and receive both emotional and practical support. These meetings also allow us to exchange information and get ideas on how to handle these real life situations. To find a local SKI group contact SKI at 713-783-KIDS (5437) or email us at [email protected]. |
SKI in Public Schools (SIPS) is a group run by parents for parents. SIPS meetings provide parents of children with disabilities with an outlet for share information, experiences, resources, and support. SIPS meetings are a great way to maintain contact with school officials, increase parent involvement on school campuses, obtain up to date information from the Department of Education and TEA in regards to special education services.
Please contact us if you are interested in starting or joining the SIPS support group on your child’s school campus or in your child’s community.
Workshops and Training
Here is a list of some workshops and trainings that SKI provides:
- What’s New with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- So My Child has Special Needs
- Understanding ADHD/ADD and Your Child
- The IEP Process
- Bullying In Public Schools
- Positive Behavior Support
- Understanding Procedural Safeguards
- Transition; Building Capacity from “Cradle to Careers: