Fundraiser Underway Click on Donate Button and make a tax deductible contribution to help with our outreach efforts to support and assist women veterans and their families! PayPal @laluzdediosUS Cash.APP/Philyvet1 (Make sure to include the 1 on cashapp) |
Congressional Black Caucus
Veterans Braintrust Women Veterans Forum Details are forthcoming! September 2020 Updated with details soon! PhilaVets Parade Nov 8th 2020
Sponsors and Volunteers Needed Schedule a viewing of the 2019 Trailblazers Documentary Contact our office at 267 231 2328 or 301 283 7883 Email us at [email protected] |
Past Events Highlights will be posted soon, come back and check out what’s happening and how to get involved!!!
March 4th, 2020 Philadelphia City Hall Veterans Advisory Hearing 2PM Women’s History Month NAWV, Inc. Presents 4th Annual Harriet Tubman Military Women Tribute March 10, 2020 Philadelphia City Hall Caucus Room 2-4 pm |
Featured Guest Speaker
Honorable Karen Flaherty-Oxler Director-CEO Philadelphia Crescenz Veterans Hospital Email us for more details at [email protected] |
Upcoming 2020 Venues
5th HARRIET Movie at Pearl North Broad Street
Lunch at Barber's Hall
NOVEMBER 8th, Philadelphia Parade
November 9th, 2020 Trailblazer Documentary - Dates are available for scheduling
November 10th McCormick & Schmidts - 1 S Broad Street, Philadelphia Private
November 11th - Various Locations
November 12th Trailblazer Documentary at Philadelphia Veterans Hospital - Register please.
November 13-15 Various Locations - Tour Closing Ceremony - tba
Thank you so much for your support and participation. Please consider a sponsorship or other contribution - Thank you for your service!!!
Lunch at Barber's Hall
NOVEMBER 8th, Philadelphia Parade
November 9th, 2020 Trailblazer Documentary - Dates are available for scheduling
November 10th McCormick & Schmidts - 1 S Broad Street, Philadelphia Private
November 11th - Various Locations
November 12th Trailblazer Documentary at Philadelphia Veterans Hospital - Register please.
November 13-15 Various Locations - Tour Closing Ceremony - tba
Thank you so much for your support and participation. Please consider a sponsorship or other contribution - Thank you for your service!!!
2019 Department of Veteran Affairs Center for Women Veteran Trailblazers
Cathy Bennett-Santos, NAWV, Inc. Founder and Visionary Philadelphia, Pennsylvania selectee
Please celebrate all of the women veterans and share their experience in the documentary - click on the arrow.
Cathy Bennett-Santos, NAWV, Inc. Founder and Visionary Philadelphia, Pennsylvania selectee
Please celebrate all of the women veterans and share their experience in the documentary - click on the arrow.
2020 Harriet Tubman Women's Military Day ~ March 10
Please email us for registration: [email protected] or call 301 283 7883
Please join us for this Women's History Month in recognition of Harriet Tubman we are presenting our
Lifetime Achievement Award to Philadelphia City Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell March 10th, 2020 Philadelphia City Hall Caucus Room 2-4PM ______________________________ Featured Guest Speaker Honorable Rear Admiral Karen Flaherty-Oxler Director-CEO Philadelphia Crescenz Veterans Hospital Please join us! |
Rev. Dr. Lawrence Aziz Brown and Cathy Santos Honored by Philadelphia City Council President Darrell Clarke and Councilwoman Janine L. Blackwell for this tribute on Deborah Garnet Sampson Womens Military Day - which we are the Founders and Visionaries and we will continue to keep the most important agenda alive that exists in this country and that is the lives of our veterans. Thanks to both!
Resolution passed on March 31st, 2011 by Philadelphia City Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell recognizing this day in the city of Philadelphia as a day to honor and pay tribute to women veterans and all women who have served in our armed forces.
Please join us in this celebration.
Program Booklet and ads are being taken by submitting to email or fax: [email protected] Fax: 866 727 1221 Co-Founders Dr. Cathy Bennett Dr. Lawrence Aziz Brown DEBORAH GARNETT SAMPSONInaugural Award will be given to First Lady
Michelle Obama "Honorary Veteran Award" Philadelphia Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell Special Recognition to: Patricia Fennell - PECO Mr. Albert Butler - WURD |
We will be awarding the Inaugural
"Deborah Garnett Sampson Women Veteran's Award" and presenting Honorary Women Veterans Certificates and status to supportive individuals; also recognizing and presenting special awards to women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan |
Please share in the conversation - GROUNDED For more details and ticket information click here: The Interact Theatre at THE DRAKE A story of an woman who shares her military experience in the Air Force - please support this venue. On October 16th, at 2pm, please join the discussion with Cathy Santos, Founder of National Alliance of Women Veterans, Inc in her perspective as an advocate and woman veteran. |
Please help us to meet our fundraising goals for our 2016 10th Anniversary Gala and Annual Financial Support to provide information and resources for women of the armed forces. We need to ensure that the great work of the previous 7 years transitions to a new administration. Military Sexual Assault, Healthcare, Childcare and Homelessness are the top issues and we want to notify the women veteran's community of any and all available assistance in a "ONE STOP SHOP" automated environment. Please make a dontation by clicking on this link: |
Nominated to the UNITED STATE OF WOMEN 2016 10th Anniversary Calendar March 5th, 2016 @12PM Crispus Attucks Day 20th & The Parkway Philadelphia, PA March 10th Harriet Tubman - - Woman Veteran Tribute 2016 Black History Showcase March 25th-27th 2016 Philadelphia Convention Center 12th & Arch Streets Philadelphia For More Information, follow this link: |
100 Special Recogniztion Candidates to receive a Presidential Honor - Please nominate today! Sponsorship, Partnerships and Volunteer Opportunities are Available - please contact us for details: A chance to help a worthwhile cause and have fun - 10th ANNUAL WOMEN VETERANS TRIBUTE - all benefit proceeds will go towards educating and empowering women on unwelcomed offenses - help us with our campaign to raise awareness on guilt-shame issues, how to report and when? How to prevent or diminish potential threats? So, whose fault is it? Let's hear from the experts - survivors of Miltiary Sexual Assault with national prominence and expert experience! WE HAVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICES FOR GROUPS AND SPECIAL GIFTS AND PROMOTIONAL ITEMS TO OUR DONORS - JOIN US! We are seeking to pay tribute to women veterans from across the United States with a Special Recognization "President Obama" Community Service Award Gold, Bronze and Platinum Please contact our office for details and to nominate your person/s to receive an award!! |
Philadelphia VA Hospital 3900 Woodland Avenue Philadelphia, PA We are so honored to have this network of women veterans who shared stories and supported one another with a camaraderie unmatched anywhere. We cried, embraced and prayed; and was so blessed to meet many of these women who desire to continue with these platforms. Strong, brave and supportive - we are one!!! Praying for Aronda Smith who is recovering from an illness and we are excited that she is being united with a caring veteran to support and encourage her as she works to help other veterans across the country. |
Howard University presents the 3rd EY Williams Symposium Series - Panelists and presenters addressing mental health Post 9-11 and combat related conditions from an African American perspective. These forums provide valuable insight for defining cultural and distinct characteristics of mental health and other psychiatric disorders. Following is an Awards and Recognition Reception for individuals who contribute towards the treatment and increasing the quality of life post combat. Details are forthcoming - register to receive updates! Please feel free to download and share the flyer! |
We continue remember Mary Suttles who passed away last year for her service to our country and community. We will name in her honor a distinquised award to present to a deserving woman veteran in the City of Philadelphia. Please nominate now - deadline March 1st. Send one paragraph of why your nominee should be chosen. Thank you so kindly for your participation and cooperation. |
Read More
Get updates on this link Philadelphia VA Hospital presents Community Mental Health Summit on September 11th, 2014 Invited Participants ONLY! September 15th, 2014 Global Innovation Meeting Philadelphia, PA Get more details on the entreprenuer legislation and US Small Business Committee Hearings held on July 23rd Women Pay Equality - Support this movement - we can't afford to go back!!! Women Veterans are empowered and taking control of their lives!!! And future!! |
2006 National Alliance of Women Veterans Pays Tribute to MST Victims2013 DAV Convention was held from June 19-22nd in New Cumberland, PA. New State Commander Sam Blow assumed his role and appointed committee leaders; pictured here are the Women Veterans who are working in some capacity in service to the veteran community and are leaders in the State of Pennsylvania for providing support and service to women veterans in the State of Pennsylvania through their local DAV Chapters. Please visit their website: PA DAV Women Veterans |
NAWV. Incorporated is undeniably the first premier "women veteran's" organization founded to function as an impetus for healing, educating and empowering women who have served in the armed forces; and have been consistent in being a pioneer and trailblazer for introducing impactful, realistic and articulate commentary from experience in the areas of homelessness, healthcare, clinical and treatment related issues; FISA, MST and related legislation; presenting on major platforms for educating legislators and decision makers on policy and needed legislative matters with much success and many victories to our credit.
We are now seeking to restructure our board and looking for qualified, professional individuals to help us meet our goals and objectives.
Our mission is to increase the awareness of women veteran's issues by strategically identifying avenues for promoting our causes and strengthening our platform through healing, empowerment and educating women who have served in our armed forces leaving no unmet needs.
Initiatives for 2014
Military Families and Dependents
Mentoring and coaching
Housing Counseling Assistance
Cyber Support/Counseling/Peer-to-Peer Support
Social Networking Discussions for healing and empowerment sharing
Resource and Information Services and Support
Health and Wellness Assessment and Referrals
The founder, Cathy Santos, is also on the leading edge for strategic planning and implementing programs and projects that engage interested and concerned individuals for helping and supporting this population in all areas of their need; and is available for consulting, educating, and empowering others for program development and supporting funding opportunities in language and resources; is a sought after speaker (Pentagon Advisory Committee, Congressional, Senate , State and Municipal levels) and advised on issues related to military culture and an expert on women veterans issues at every level of government, civic, clergical and social environments. Cathy Santos has experience in Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising previously working in this capacity at NBC10; Strategic Planning and Certified Expert in National Security and Nuclear Defense and is a self proclaimed expert strategist for positioning women veterans and interested parties in Program and Project Implementation utilizing a plethora of combined experience, education and history working in this area over 20 years.
Green to Gold is an organization that supports women who are military and are Police Officers, led by Captain Alfeia Devaughn Goodwin; who is also the First Chaplain selected to the Pennsylvania Army National Guard after the Iraq War.
Please support this organization founded on integrity and professionalism for promoting a cause that is now a national agenda; however we believe that peer-to-peer support is paramount for manifesting the outcomes needed in the lives of other women veterans.
Please make a tax-deductible donation to our 501 c3 and Public Charity in any amount by clicking on the "donation" button to the left.
We thank you in advance for your support!
We are now seeking to restructure our board and looking for qualified, professional individuals to help us meet our goals and objectives.
Our mission is to increase the awareness of women veteran's issues by strategically identifying avenues for promoting our causes and strengthening our platform through healing, empowerment and educating women who have served in our armed forces leaving no unmet needs.
Initiatives for 2014
Military Families and Dependents
Mentoring and coaching
Housing Counseling Assistance
Cyber Support/Counseling/Peer-to-Peer Support
Social Networking Discussions for healing and empowerment sharing
Resource and Information Services and Support
Health and Wellness Assessment and Referrals
The founder, Cathy Santos, is also on the leading edge for strategic planning and implementing programs and projects that engage interested and concerned individuals for helping and supporting this population in all areas of their need; and is available for consulting, educating, and empowering others for program development and supporting funding opportunities in language and resources; is a sought after speaker (Pentagon Advisory Committee, Congressional, Senate , State and Municipal levels) and advised on issues related to military culture and an expert on women veterans issues at every level of government, civic, clergical and social environments. Cathy Santos has experience in Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising previously working in this capacity at NBC10; Strategic Planning and Certified Expert in National Security and Nuclear Defense and is a self proclaimed expert strategist for positioning women veterans and interested parties in Program and Project Implementation utilizing a plethora of combined experience, education and history working in this area over 20 years.
Green to Gold is an organization that supports women who are military and are Police Officers, led by Captain Alfeia Devaughn Goodwin; who is also the First Chaplain selected to the Pennsylvania Army National Guard after the Iraq War.
Please support this organization founded on integrity and professionalism for promoting a cause that is now a national agenda; however we believe that peer-to-peer support is paramount for manifesting the outcomes needed in the lives of other women veterans.
Please make a tax-deductible donation to our 501 c3 and Public Charity in any amount by clicking on the "donation" button to the left.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Pennsylvania DAV Appoints NAWV, Inc. Cathy Santos to Committee Chair PositionThe Disabled American Veterans Department of Pennsylvania comprises 47 chapters across the state of Pennsylvania and within 7 counties, and this organization in partnership with NAWV. Inc. and other women veterans groups are united on many issues and invite all women who have served in the armed forces to get on board, join with us in the important movement we are undertaking to push for legislation and policy that impact the lives and well-being of all women military and women veterans and their families.
Please join us on March 28th, in Philadelphia City Hall to for a discussion and to demonstrate the significance of our role as military women. Please register your women veteran's organization with us for forming the strongest consortium of women veterans in this country for fighting for the causes of women who serve in the armed forces. DAV Department of Pennsylvania delegation ATTENDED the Mid-Winter Conference from February 22nd, to February 26th, 2014 in Washington, D.C.
Lackland Air Force Base hearings held on January 25thI attended and the most memorable and impactful moment for me was meeting recently elected Iraq Woman Veteran Amputee Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth - she brings truth and validity to many of the myths being portrayed by those who are perpetrating as "Women Veteran" advocates in Washington So we get to the truth of the matter by an experienced military professional and I will explain some highlights as I witnessed them from the hearings that CNN and others are not telling HMMMM! This is going to be good - so get ready!!!
Bread & Roses Community Fund has awarded NAWV, INC with a grant in support of our work with women veterans - "Veterans Impacting Community" is the project that these funds will go directly towards supporting our community based initiatives. Please visit their site and donate for great causes like the National Alliance of Women Veterans, Incorporated