Sexual Violence / Assault
The Center for Women and Families – offers services to all survivors of intimate partner abuse or sexual violence. Our clients include men, and gay, lesbian and transgender people in addition to women and dependent children. We provide a variety of residential and nonresidential services including emergency shelter, transitional housing, counseling and advocacy. If you or someone you love has experienced sexual assault or partner abuse at any point, please remember that help is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through our toll-free crisis line: 877-803-7577, Louisville, KY.
Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence – a statewide coalition of individual sexual assault crisis programs. The Alliance works to end sexual violence through victim assistance, community education, and public policy advocacy, East Hartford, CT.
CounterQuo – challenging the way we respond to sexual violence.
Dworkin, Andrea – was an internationally renowned as a radical feminist activist and author who helped break the silence around violence against women. In her determination to articulate the experiences of poor, lower-class, marginal, and prostituted women, Dworkin deepened public awareness of rape, battery, pornography, and prostitution.
The Enliven Project – is a truth-telling campaign to bring sexual violence out of the closet and convert the most powerful bystanders to new allies. Sexual violence is the biggest issue we aren't talking about in America. Incorporating lessons from the gay rights and AIDS movements and campaigns like Opportunity Nation, The Enliven Project will tell the truth about sexual violence in classrooms, break-rooms, and board-rooms, enlisting the most powerful bystanders to join the movement, promoting the most promising interventions, and increasing justice and acceptance for survivors everywhere. See Blog.
Helping Industries to Classify Reports of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct. And Sexual Assault - A joint report of Raliance and the Urban Institute.