Hispanic / Spanish Language / Español
1in6 – la misión de 1in6 es ayudar a los hombres que han tenido experiencias sexuales no deseadas o abusivas en su niñez a que tengan una vida más feliz y saludable. Nuestra misión también incluye dar servicios a las familias, amigos y parejas al proporcionales información y recursos de apoyo en el Internet, Santa Clarita, CA.
Alianza Latina Nacional para Erradicar la Violencia Doméstica – nuestra misión es promover el entendimiento, sostener un dialogo y generar soluciones para erradicar la violencia doméstica que afecta las comunidades Latinas, entendiendo cuan sagradas son todas las relaciones y las comunidades, New York, NY.
Arte Sana – es una agencia que existe para ayudar a nuestras comunidades a sobrevivir y prevenir la violencia a través de la educación comunitaria y el empoderamiento artístico / cultural, Dripping Springs, TX.
Cambia El Estatus, New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Hispanic Communications Network – developed a multimedia campaign that addresses current perceptions of domestic violence within the Latino community – where domestic violence is considered a social norm and tolerated by those not directly affected – and works to change perceptions among young adults so they consider domestic violence to be unacceptable. See Campaign.
Casa de Esperanza – movilizar a las latinas y a sus comunidades para que erradiquen la violencia doméstica, St. Paul, MN. See Stories of Impact: Casa de Esperanza.
Casa de Esperanza – movilizar a las latinas y a sus comunidades para que erradiquen la violencia doméstica, St. Paul, MN. See Stories of Impact: Casa de Esperanza.
National Latin@ Network (English and Español) – we are the national institute on domestic violence focusing on Latin@ communities, a project of Casa de Esperanza. We provide training and consultations to practitioners and activists through the US, as well as in Latin America. We organize national and regional events. We engage in federal and state public policy advocacy and conduct research on issues that affect Latin@s in the US and abroad. We produce practical publications and tools for the field, disseminate relevant, up-to-date information and facilitate an online learning community that supports practitioners, policy makers and researchers who are working to end domestic violence, St. Paul, MN.
- Te Invito Engaging Men to Prevent Violence Toolkit (English and Español) –- this toolkit is a collection of resources and materials for individuals and organizations to increase awareness and engage Latino men and boys in preventing domestic violence. Here you will find information about programs that have been documented to work effectively, key cultural considerations, a customizable PSA campaign that organizations can use in their local area, and suggestions for how individuals can become more involved in working to end domestic violence. Read "FYSB Grantee Invites Men to End Domestic Violence with Te Invito Campaign," June 4, 2014.