Job and Internship Openings
This page is a compilation of job and internship openings that have been submitted to or come to the attention of the National Center; it is not an exhaustive listing.
ALL postings on this page are for 30 days, or until the stated deadline.
If you would like to have a job or internship opening considered for inclusion on this page, please submit details. Be sure to include pertinent details, an application deadline if appropriate and a person to contact about the submission. You will not receive notification about inclusion on this listing. However, if we have questions about your submission, we will contact you. Thank you.
Note: The National Center is not responsible for the content of the postings or the external Internet sites. If you have questions about a specific posting, contact the sponsoring organization. Please be aware the contents of web pages we link to may change without notice. Please notify the National Center if you find links that don't connect.
ALL postings on this page are for 30 days, or until the stated deadline.
If you would like to have a job or internship opening considered for inclusion on this page, please submit details. Be sure to include pertinent details, an application deadline if appropriate and a person to contact about the submission. You will not receive notification about inclusion on this listing. However, if we have questions about your submission, we will contact you. Thank you.
Note: The National Center is not responsible for the content of the postings or the external Internet sites. If you have questions about a specific posting, contact the sponsoring organization. Please be aware the contents of web pages we link to may change without notice. Please notify the National Center if you find links that don't connect.
Advocate positions, Deaf Iowans Against Abuse. [posted 2/28/2020]
Victim Service Advocate (Eastern Iowa), Cedar Rapids, IA.
Victim Service Advocate (part-time), Cedar Rapids or Des Moines, IA.
Victim Service Advocate (Western Iowa), Des Moines, IA.
Victim Service Advocate (Eastern Iowa), Cedar Rapids, IA.
Victim Service Advocate (part-time), Cedar Rapids or Des Moines, IA.
Victim Service Advocate (Western Iowa), Des Moines, IA.
Deputy Director, New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Albany, NY. Position will remain open until filled. [posted 2/28/2020]
Director of Human Resources, National Network to End Domestic Violence, Washington, DC. The position will remain open until filled. [posted 2/28/2020]
Director of Human Resources, National Network to End Domestic Violence, Washington, DC. The position will remain open until filled. [posted 2/28/2020]
Multiple positions (part- and full-time), In Our Own Voices, Inc., Albany, NY. [posted 2/28/2020]
Sexual Health Parent Educator (part-time, bilingual in Spanish and English), Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio, Minneapolis, MN. [posted 2/28/2020]