Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse – a private, non-profit organization that has been serving families trapped in the cycle of family violence since 1980. Only AVDA works to break this cycle by intervening with both the victim and the abuser. AVDA operates two direct-service programs unique to Harris County. The Legal Advocacy Program offers free legal representation for adults and children trapped in abusive intimate-partner or family relationships and the nationally recognized Battering Intervention and Prevention Program provides specialized psycho-educational counseling which enables batterers to recognize, accept responsibility for and end their abusive behavior, Houston, TX.
Asian Family Support Services of Austin (formerly SAHELI) – a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to Asian and other immigrant families dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault and trafficking. Our mission is to promote abuse-free Asian communities through advocacy, support, awareness and access to social services. AFSSA envisions healthy, abuse-free Asian communities. AFSSA specifically addresses the cultural and language needs of Asian and other immigrant families affected by domestic violence. Our values and mission are reflected in our programs, which integrate culture and language specific direct services, educational programs, and community-based initiatives and advocacy, Austin, TX.
Center for Public Policy Priorities – a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank committed to improving public policies and private practices to better the economic and social conditions of low- and moderate-income Texans. CPPP pursues this mission through independent research, policy analysis and development, public education, advocacy, and technical assistance, Austin, TX. Review Annual Report, 2010.
Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas – the statewide membership association representing all local children’s advocacy centers in the Lone Star state. Founded in 1994 with a membership of 13 local centers, today the CACTX membership roster includes 69 developing and established centers in large urban cities as well as in small rural communities. Our membership reflects the vast diversity of Texas, all with their own unique approaches to fulfilling our shared mission of protecting and providing for children, Austin, TX. Read 2014 in Review.
Children's Justice Act – brings together child-protection and criminal justice experts to improve the state's response to cases of child abuse and neglect, Austin, TX.