Judicial / Courts / Specialized Courts / Court Watch
Center for Court Innovation – engages in both reflection and technical assistance, mining the lessons from its demonstration projects in New York and helping other jurisdictions launch their own problem-solving efforts. The Center's national work includes convening roundtable discussions, writing white papers, creating web sites and hosting site visits. Much of this work is devoted to encouraging and supporting replication, giving court planners in other states the tools they need to launch their own problem-solving initiatives. The Center has also begun to engage a wider audience of practitioners, scholars and policymakers in thinking through the role of problem-solving courts and how judges and attorneys can solve problems that have eluded conventional solutions, New York, NY.
- Domestic Violence – specialized domestic violence courts are designed to improve victim safety and enhance defendant accountability, New York, NY.
National Judicial Education Program: A Right to Justice for Victims – a project of Legal Momentum, NJEP educates judges and justice system professionals about the ways gender bias can be a factor across the spectrum of civil, criminal, family and juvenile law, and how to prevent it. To promote access to the justice system and equality for women and men in the courts, NJEP creates and presents model judicial curricula, publishes articles in the judicial and legal press, and supports state supreme court task forces on gender bias in the courts, New York, NY.
- Legal Momentum's National Judicial Education Program Announces New Educational Materials on Teen Dating Violence, February 11, 2016. See NJEP Resources on Teen Dating Violence.
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges – is dedicated to serving the nation's children and families by improving the courts of juvenile and family jurisdictions. Our mission is to better the justice system through education and applied research and improve the standards, practices and effectiveness of the juvenile court system, Reno, NV.
- 75th Anniversary Timeline, 1937-2012
National Family Court Watch Project – founded in 2004, it is the first known program to use a standardized observational instrument nationwide. We observe and report trends that the data collection reveals. The ultimate goal is to work with the public and judicial system to create methods and procedures that help resolve the problems we are finding in family courts across the country, Milford MI.
National Drug Court Resource Center – your centralized, one-stop source for all things Drug Court. Funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, NDCRC is a collective repository of all vital Drug Court information; latest research findings, funding opportunities, trainings, breaking news and announcements. NDCRC provides up-to-date information, networking and support to all Drug Court practitioners, training providers, national partners, Drug Court clients and citizens nationwide, Alexandria, VA.